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Seek the welfare of the city, part 2In case you're thinking "That was then, but this is now!" about Jeremiah 29:7 – "Seek the welfare of the city" – well, you're in for a surprise. It explains in Part 1 that there were beggars who refused to work, so Christian philanthropists were warned not to simply give them money: "Here we clearly see the goal of the social ministry of the Church: 'The role of social work is to make the recipient aware of the need to change' – unless the poor or disabled person makes a commitment to change, our efforts to help may be in vain." Human nature hasn't changed much in the past 2,000 years!

On our "Homes and Jobs" page, go to the link: "Get Your Life on Track." You'll see several Scriptures illustrating the lifestyle that Christians should have. At the bottom of that section is another link: "Do you want to be restored to wholeness?" which takes you to our Problem Assessment: Physical and Spiritual Rehabilitation Plan that we can fill out with our disabled or unemployed clients. Midway through the form, after gathering the client's work and health history, are the following words:

I want to be restored to wholeness, and therefore I am ready to change my lifestyle.
Signature: I, _________________, agree to follow the plan.

The client must be willing to change his/her mindset and lifestyle. Here is what the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians, chapter 3 about this:

"6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother living in idleness, and not after the tradition which they received from us. 7 For you know how you ought to imitate us. For we were not idle among you, 8 neither did we eat bread from anyone's hand without paying for it, but in labor and travail worked night and day, that we might not burden any of you; 9 not because we don't have the right, but to make ourselves an example to you, that you should imitate us. 10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: 'If anyone is not willing to work, neither let him eat.' 11 For we hear of some who among you walk in idleness, who don't work at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now those who are that way, we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and earn their own living. 13 But you, brothers, don't be weary in doing good. 14 If any man doesn't obey our word in this letter, note that man, that you have no fellowship with him, to the end that he may be ashamed. 15 Don't count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother."

What did the Early Church Fathers have to say about the above Scripture passage? –

"Paul strongly emphasizes, in strict words of command, the importance of labor, especially manual labor, as an accompaniment to prayer and fasting. These religious acts must never substitute for hard work (Chrysostom, Augustine). Prayer without work is a pious pretext (Cyril of Alexandria). There is no inconsistency between trusting God to provide and engaging in hard work in order to support ourselves and not be a burden on others (Augustine, Caesarius of Arles). Faithful and hardworking members of the congregation must be careful to make a sharp separation between themselves and those brothers and sisters who are living in a disorderly way (John Cassian, Theodore). Paul holds himself up as "the form of a believer," expecting the Thessalonians to see in him how one ought to live (Chrysostom, Pelagius). In our pursuit of faithful discipleship we are to avoid the controversy that arises from idle questioning and curiosity (Basil). Christian brothers and sisters who depart from the discipline and charity required by faith are to be directly confronted (John Cassian). There is the very real danger that if we consort with erring brothers and sisters, we will be infected with their wrongdoing (Cyprian)." (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture [digital version], IVPress)

In the ancient Greco-Roman Empire it was common for the poor to attach themselves to a wealthy patron who would feed them, sometimes in exchange for being mistreated and made the butt of jokes, at other times in exchange for serving their patron. But there were some poor who would simply flatter their patrons, going from one patron's luxuriously spread table to another patron's table. This latter case was so embedded in the culture that it became the subject of ancient comedies and training in rhetoric: such people were called "parasites." In the above Scripture passage, St Paul warns against such behavior that would bring the Christian community into ridicule. St. John Chrysostom was trained by a rhetorician who used such stories, and Chrysostom adopted it in some of his writings... [read more...]




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If 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, supporting orphans, and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. ...thanks!

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SYNOPSIS: In an essay for The Federalist, Melissa Brooks shared the life-saving effect that Kentucky's pro-life laws had on her life and the life of her son following the Supreme Court decision of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade. "I had great fear and doubt about undergoing the procedure, but I was pressured to continue [seeking an out-of-state abortion] because I was being told that all the things I wanted for my relationship with my child's father would come true if I had an abortion." In Kentucky just this month, a judge ruled to dismiss a lawsuit against the state’s pro-life law, keeping protections for preborn children in place so babies like Oryan can live. "I can say for a fact that if an abortion facility were in my own backyard, I would have succumbed to the pressure to end the life of my child," she wrote, "However, I’m proud to say, that is not our story."
Pray that more and more states will pass laws outlawing abortion; and meanwhile, that the biological fathers will not pressure the mothers to have abortions, as happens in about two-thirds of the time, but rather be real men and accept responsibility.



SYNOPSIS: Or is it because we are so caught up with being in control of our lives that the mere thought of having a tiny person completely depending on us terrifies us? Why celebrate having a "child-free" life? What does the declining birth rate mean for the future of Western societies and cultures? In addition, even if you could eventually meet your labor shortages with skilled-up migrants, this does not take away from the fact that people immersed in certain cultures and ways of life, including Western cultures and ways of life, are essentially not reproducing their way of life at a sufficient pace to avoid cultural extinction.
Ask the Lord to wake up people to the disastrous long-term consequences of refusing to have children: a demographic collapse of population leading to the extinction of our society.


Pittsburgh Post Gazette

SYNOPSIS: Researchers in Pittsburgh are studying "superagers," seniors who maintain cognitive abilities and memory akin to those decades younger. This phenomenon may provide insights into healthy aging and cognitive preservation. Key factors contributing to superaging include robust social connections, continuous learning, regular physical activity, and positive attitudes. By understanding these elements, scientists hope to develop strategies to combat age-related cognitive decline and improve overall quality of life for the aging population.
Thank God for those "superagers" who are showing how to beat the biological clock by keeping up social connections, continuous learning, regular physical activity, and positive attitudes: learn a new language to keep your mind active and keep exercising!


Disability Scoop

SYNOPSIS: Heaven Lockhart had a busy last week of school before her graduation in May. The 21-year-old wrapped up her last few days of classes, decorated her graduation cap in art class and went to her school’s prom – in the sparkly silver dress and matching shoes she picked out herself. After four years of high school and three years at Southside Occupational Academy, a public special education school in Chicago, she donned a royal blue gown and walked across the stage to receive her high school diploma. Southside students also take courses related to living independently. Southside also led her to pursue sports through the Special Olympics foundation in her extra time, and around the school, she is known for her layups in basketball games. At the school's graduation ceremony, teachers leaned on the school’s two daily mantras as they sent the graduates off: Respect others and believe in yourself.
Praise the Lord for transitional schools that enable special ed students to make the transition to a more normal and productive lifestyle, instead of living on welfare or being institutionalized.


Religious Info Service of Ukraine

SYNOPSIS: Archbishop Daniel expressed outrage at the "brutal bombing and killing of innocent children," calling it "a vivid testament to the depth of human cruelty." He sharply criticized the tacit support of these actions of the Russian Orthodox Church and its allies, saying that "a true spiritual beacon must rise up to defend the innocent." The Archbishop called on the UN, the international community and the US government to take "decisive and meaningful action" to hold the Russian government accountable. He emphasized the need to apply the full force of international law and moral responsibility against such atrocities. He also called on the faithful to unite in prayer and action to create a world free of "devastating war and tyranny," for protecting the innocent is a "sacred duty."
Pray for many more individual Christians to become aware and informed about the humanitarian disasters unfolding in Ukraine, and then to do something about it, to take "decisive and meaningful action," not just let the government do it.


Disabled World

SYNOPSIS: The share of working people with disabilities in the United States is less than the share of working people without disabilities. Despite enormous efforts, disabled people in the United States are very poorly represented in the labor market. But this is prescribed by the Constitution, which makes all groups of the U.S. population equal in rights and responsibilities. But the situation would change if people with disabilities, instead of social benefits, received privileges in earning money. But if additional services are provided, such as a telephone secretary, the price increases. The situation would change if people with disabilities, instead of social benefits, received privileges in earning money. This would allow disabled people to live like other people for a salary, not social benefits.
Intercede for those able-to-work people with disabilities in the U.S. who are unable to find work that would enable them to provide for themselves, which diminishes the workforce and causes these people to become dependent on government welfare.






Ukraine's Fork In The Road



village church in Ukraine Our friend Viktor from Wisconsin, now stuck in Ukraine, was working on a new project to detect landmines remotely, without risk to human life and equipment, using a neutron generator and gamma ray detectors from drones. This would speed up one-hundred-fold the demining of war zones in Ukraine. But the project ran out of funding, so now he has no source of income. He writes – "If we pray and get funds to order parts for a neutron generator and gamma ray detector, then things will start happening."

He also shares with us both the positive and negative sides of the effects of Russia's attack on Ukraine on the civilian population. A priest he met has a vision to care for disabled veterans of the war, as shown in the above photo of a village church. This would be a good fit for our plans to build Agape Restoration Communities in Ukraine. War always has innocent victims and unintended consequences: what may start out as noble motives of self-defense can degenerate into the defenders adopting forms of violence as bad as the attackers. Ukraine is not merely recruiting its men to fight against Russia, it is adopting semi-criminal tactics using press gangs to kidnap Ukrainian men, snatching them right off the street and sending them to the front.

"Recently in Odesa, there was a fight between press gangs and doctors of emergency services. Everything started when a gentleman who was severely beaten up at the press gang location called for emergency vehicle. When doctors showed up, they checked the patient and discovered that he had indeed been beaten up. Intead of letting the patient be taken to the local hospital, the press gang blocked the doctors and the patient for 4 hours or so. Doctors called their coworkers in Odesa and the help came: over 20 ER vehicles showed up with sirens blaring.

"The press gang started to repeatedly spray tear gas into the eyes of one of the doctors or vehicles drivers. The response was understandable: a baseball bat in the hands of the victim, however just to scare away the attackers. More press gang members in civilian clothes jumped at a few doctors and started beating them up. Just looking at the skills of some of the doctors, one can see their professional wresling experience, thank God. More doctors ran to defend their coworkers. The entire situation turned into a brawl."

Get the full article on our ARC-News blog at



A Personal Note:environment for mosquitos Simon, who's in our online "Morning Prayers" and whose Vision Complex orphanage and school provides for 50 AIDS orphans and other sick kids whose parents can't afford to pay for medical care wrote – "This is our environment which promotes breeding of mosquitoes that carry malaria. We need 30 mosquito nets and the total cost is $180: these nets will last for 2-3 years." Two of the biggest health problems are sickle cell anemia (most prevalent in West Africa) and malaria because of the hot and humid climate. These problems are connected because the sickle cell anemia weakens the kids, making them more susceptible to malaria. Will you help us provide one or more of the 30 mosquito nets needed, just $6 apiece = $180? Please Designate Your Gift for "Vision Complex." Thanks in advance!

Just this morning, our friend Simon in Tanzania writes – "The rate of malaria is increasing with the kids here: I took another four children to the government hospital: I can't manage the private hospital as it is too expensive, but something serious is that there are no medicines in these government hospitals. We have to wait for the medicine from other hospitals. I'm thinking to visit private hospitals to rescue their lives. In fact many children from various places, especially villages, are dying. They were admitted yesterday, around 500 children, 80 of them have passed away and many other children are in critical condition. I wish I would have enough cash.... Pray for us as your prayers matter alot, " He also needs $70 for anti-malaria medicines for these kids.

environment for mosquitos Our friend Maureen in Kenya who's also in our online "Morning Prayers" writes – "It's heartbreaking the things you see: those are human beings, killed and thrown in a quarry, most of them are women with their kids killed and folded inside bags, each containing two people inside, a woman and her baby. They were found yesterday in Nairobi, Kenya, about 1km from where we live, and still they are retrieving more today. Just pray for our country and for me and my family. On 25th June, alot of people were killed, it was a massacre. In Githurai women were killed in their own houses. They were not demonstating so we don't know why," The anti-government riots have quieted down somewhat, but there's still unrest. Pray for peace in Kenya!

Some of you already know that Cheryl and I got sick with Covid-19 two weeks ago and were quite dizzy, tired, and congested. But on Wednesday last week, I became so dizzy that I passed out after taking a shower and fell, cutting myself above the left eye, scraping and bruising my right arm, and landing on my left shoulder and arm which then I couldn't move at all and it still hurts. So Cheryl called an ambulance that took me to the Emergency Room with siren blaring. They did CT scans and X-rays, then kept me in the hospital four days for observation. Thank the Lord for good medical care, that I didn't have a skull fracture, concussion, brain bleed, or any broken bones – just really sore – and that we're over the Covid now.



Who Are We?   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.



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