To read and pray for one article each day, click HERE and add the link to your browser's Bookmarks. And please share this link with your friends!

Sun. – PLANNED PARENTHOOD KNOWS MISCARRIAGE CARE ISN'T 'RESTRICTED' BY PRO-LIFE LAWS. HERE’S PROOF – Pray that people won't be misled by this disinformation from pro-abortion supporters.

Mon. – AMID MARGINALISATION OF CHRISTIANS IN GAZA, THREE CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES ENDORSE PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD – Ask the Lord for these "Christian" countries to reconsider supporting statehood for Gazan terrorists.

Tue. – OCCUPIED UKRAINE: AFTER YEAR IN DETENTION, PRIEST'S "ESPIONAGE" TRIAL IMMINENT – Intercede for UOC priest Fr. Kostiantyn Maksimov who may be sentenced to 10 to 12 years in prison.

Wed. – TEEN WINS NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR AUTISM CODING PROGRAM – Thank the Lord for teenager Sreenidi Bala who created the ''Code for All Minds" coding program for youth with autism.

Thu. – SECURITY SERVICE BLOCKS CHANNEL OF ANTI-UKRAINIAN LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION VIA UOC-MP CHURCH SHOPS – Thank God that Moscow Patriarchate churches in Ukraine have been stopped from selling anti-Ukraine propaganda.

Fri. – COW CUDDLING: THERAPY COWS SHOW STRONG PREFERENCE FOR WOMEN OVER MEN – Pray that more women will discover 'Bovine-Assisted Therapy' to reduce stress and increase social bonding.

Sat. – HOW TO SUPPORT ORPHANS IN KENYA AND TANZANIA – Ask the Lord to motivate many more Americans to support orphans overseas who are living in abject poverty.


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How Many Disabled People Attend Your Church?

Notice how the likelihood of disability increases with age, as shown in this graphic. How Many Disabled People Attend Your Church? How does your church compare to society at large? Does your church welcome and accommodate people with disabilities, or are there psychological and architectural barriers? How can we more effectively minister to these people in our church and society at large?

The 75 million "Baby Boomers" born in the twenty years from 1946 through 1965 are now retiring, and nearly half of them already need serious health care. They've worked and saved for 50 years during the "boom" years of the U.S. economy, and now they're spending those 18.8 trillion dollars they've saved up: 75,000,000 people x $250,000 of average savings. But that average includes the wealthy who may have millions in retirement funds: the median (mid-point) of retirees have less than $50,000 - little or nothing - saved up. Will you have enough in savings to move to an Assisted Living center or Nursing Home at $3,000 to $8,000 per month? Don't count on Social Security and Medicare - they're going broke: there will be too many retired and disabled people, and not enough younger people paying into the system.

As this photo shows, 45% of these retired "Baby Boomers" are disabled. And statistics tell us about 70% of us will spend two or three years on average (some longer!) needing care by others before we pass on. 70% of 75,000,000 Baby-Boomers = over Fifty Million disabled elderly people! For a married couple, it's over 90% probability that one or the other will be disabled. (70% for one, plus 70% of the remaining 30% for the other = 91%.) You may hope that you go quickly via a sudden heart attack or stroke, but more often than not, those events or a bad back, bad hips, bad knees, foot amputations due to diabetes, etc. all bring on long-term disability rather than sudden death. [Read more...]




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If 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, supporting orphans, and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. ...thanks!

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a time is coming when men will go madPlease read "WAR FOR LAND" below. It seems that people have gone mad. They are simply protesting mindlessly, parroting the anti-(whatever politician they don't like) disinformation, the anti-Israel and anti-Ukraine propaganda that is flooding over the internet and outside agitators taking over university campuses; a recent local news item stated that not a single one of the protest organizers at U of Pittsburgh were students there. Please also see this "letter to U. of Edinburgh protesters" written in April 2021 by reknowned Scottish professor of Middle Eastern Studies Denis MacEoin that refutes the current flood of anti-semitic and anti-Israel disinformation.

The current U.S. president proclaimed Easter Sunday this year to be "Transgender Day of Visibility" - see What blasphemy! And the decrease in natural reproduction because of transgenderism, homosexuality, and abortion are bringing about the extinction of our population... so, as a leading politician said recently, we need all those illegal immigrants as workers.

The former U.S. president was convicted last week for committing adultery with a porn star, covering it up by paying her hush money, then writing it off as a legal expense, saying – "I didn't do anything wrong." (The local court that tried him had no jurisdiction to handle federal election law violations, and adultery and paying for non-disclosure agreements may not be illegal, but are still immoral and wrong.) Our country has sunk to the depths of moral depravity! And our country continues to print "funny money" for handouts with no goods or services to back it up, resulting now in a deficit of over a TRILLION dollars. Those "freebies" aren't free, they are actually a hidden tax that results in higher prices for goods and services, in other words, inflation.

Meanwhile, some conservatives have taken the insane position of aiding the neo-Stalinist regime in Russia by withholding aid to Ukraine. Stalin once said – "The death of one person is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic." Is that what we think when we watch the evening news: just more boring statistics? Millions of Ukrainians and Russians are being killed, both military and civilians. See this May 29 RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT from the ISW. A friend from Ukraine whom we met at our former church in Madison WI was born in Ukraine, studied at U. of WI in Madison, and is now a U.S. citizen. He and his wife returned just for a visit in April 2021 but stayed on because of the Covid pandemic lockdowns (no airline flights) and the cost of having their baby in Ukraine versus in the U.S.

Now they are stuck there: as of June 1, men aged 18-60 who were born in Ukraine, regardless of dual citizenship, must not leave Ukraine. He sent me a link to the following YouTube video of the forced mobilization of men in Ukraine: it is entitled "A Veritable Safari" translated from Ukrainian – at least 34,000 men have been snatched off the street and sent to the front. Please also read his report on the War in Ukraine.

The world has gone crazy. Here's my latest essay: WAR FOR LAND

In the C.E (“Common Era” – it’s considered ignorant and bigoted to say “A.D” – Anno Domini in Latin, which means “the year of our Lord”), it is nevertheless important to realize that modern thinking is still permeated with the Christian ethic of loving your enemies and doing good to those who hate you. This ethic is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but is often paid only lipservice, as in calling the spy and war bureaus the departments of “State” and “Defense.”

Various reasons (rationalizations) are given, but the most basic reason for war is to seize the land and its wealth that belong to another country or nation. “The white man’s burden” or “The land of our ancestors” or “Making the world safe for Democracy” or “Lebensraum” or “Denazification” or “Manifest Destiny” or the “fulfillment of Bible prophecy” – all of these reasons have been used to justify land grabs. Ancient Israel once extended up into Lebanon and Syria, and included the territory of Gath (now Gaza) inhabited by the Philistines (now Palestinians). Israel’s leaders, not bothered by Christian ethics, claim that the current war in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria fulfill God’s command to exterminate those people and fulfill Bible prophecies such as in Jeremiah chapter 47. If we believe that the Bible is true, then we must conclude that the "C.E." age of grace is wrapping up.

Other examples: the U.S. of today is the result of wars with the British, the French, the Spanish, and native Indian tribes. These are all normalized by the signing of peace treaties at the end, in which the loser gives up claims to some or all its land. After a war with European powers, the U.S. acquired Florida from Spain in 1819. Texas and southern California were annexed and became states in 1845 after wars with Mexico, along with Alaska and northern California, which had been settled by Russians as far south as Fort Ross, California, 90 miles from San Francisco Bay, that was acquired in 1867 from Russia peacefully (of all things!) for $7.2 million. After the SpanishAmerican War, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines became U.S. protectorates in 1898.

You can read and download just this "War For Land" article as a PDF at, and share it!

Get and share the full article online on our ARC-News blog at



A Personal Note: Maureen is an AIDS orphan, now with a 5-year-old daughter and a Grandma to take care of. Her 1-room sheet-metal house and her shop in the open-air market were both demolished in east Africa's recent catastrophic floods. We've helped her to get started again in a 1-room "bed-sitter" apartment (see her video Maureens-new-apartment.mp4 – it's similar to some of the Russian apartment buildings we've lived in) and to restart her business – see her new shop and her in it! See below for how to donate to her.

We've also helped Simon who runs an orphanage/school for children of AIDS victims in Tanzania with grain to feed "his kids" and funds for seed to replant his rice crop that was wiped out in the recent floods and cyclone: please see his Facebook page and LinkedIn page – he still needs funds to rebuild the road to his orphanage, to repair the school, and to provide for his orphans – especially those with Sickle Cell Anemia. Please designate gifts for "Maureen & family" and for Simon's "Vision Complex orphans" via our "Donate" page, and we'll forward the funds to them.

I wish we had millions of dollars to give: we could give $1,000 to 1,000 people in need and build the ARC. Meanwhile, most working-age Americans are suffering from "MTB" ("Money To Burn") and "STYDS" ("Shop 'Til You Drop Syndrome"), and most give almost nothing to support the poor or those suffering from disabilities, war, famine, or natural disasters around the world. What do these MTB and STYDS sufferers say when they come home after work and finish watching such tragedies on the evening news on TV? "Let's go to a restaurant for supper." May the Lord have mercy on their souls!



Who Are We?   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.



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