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Support Agape Restoration Society

support ARSScroll down on this link to see photos and read about some of the many disabled people we are ministering to in the U.S. and ministered to during our 17 years in Russia. Also while in Russia I served as General Editor of a modern-language revision of the Russian Bible called Agape-Biblia.

Later we added Hebrew-Greek, Ukrainian, English, Spanish, German and French Bibles on that website including Daily Prayers, Daily Journal, Scripture Memory System, Read the Bible in One Year in those languages, as well as our "Social Ministry of the Church" online courses in English and Russian, our fortnightly ARC-News e-newsletter, Free Literature, our Discover Original Christianity website, and much more.

Go to our Support page to see how you can help Agape Restoration Society assist the inner-city poor to acquire housing, improve their skills to find more meaningful and better-paying work, to provide counseling and material support for disabled people - doing the ministry of Christ to "the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind."

We have hired an architectural firm to create professional drawings so that we can find future residents, then take the drawings to a construction company for Building the ARC, the Agape Restoration Community, an "independent living" cooperative housing complex with 8 wheelchair-accessible living units, 4 third floor living units, and a wheelchair-accessible community room/chapel per building. Contact us to buy your retirement home!

We welcome your voluntary support of our ministry. And enroll in our free courses to see how YOU can do diakonia-ministry. And Join "The ARC" Chat/Video Forum to Build the ARC!

Yours sincerely,

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., M.Th.S., D.Min.


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