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The Best Way To Fight Poverty: a Job!

The best way to fight povertyPrivate charity by individuals, churches, synagogues and other non-profit organizations should replace government welfare programs. Why? Because private charity is by nature more efficient! Such organizations (like ours) often operate on a totally or mostly volunteer basis, emphasize personal relationships with unemployed people, and have limited funds to dole out.

In contrast, government welfare agencies are staffed by well-paid bureaucrats who often consider it just a paycheck, and because so many people want "free stuff" they have a caseload so large that they can't develop caring relationships with their clients: they just check the boxes, sign the forms getting people into government handouts, authorizing the welfare checks from seemingly "unlimited" taxpayer funds so these clients will vote for the party that gives them free money. But that "unlimited" river of money is running dry now that there are more on the receiving side than on the taxpaying side. Also, government can't point its clients to moral or spiritual authority, but we Christians can: see "Work is Part of God's Plan."

The 50-year-long "War on Poverty" has failed. Poverty won. We've spent over $17 TRILLION and lost two generations of people who are de-motivated to work because big government has inculcated in them a mindset of dependency. Subsidizing a thing gets more of it, so the result of subsidizing unemployment is more of it! But nearly everyone - including disabled and elderly people - if they really want to, can find some form of work that contributes to society. So we must first help the unemployed change their mindset, overcome entropy, then show them how to and help them to Get a Job. Enroll in our free courses to see how YOU can do diakonia-ministry.

Here's another program that helps people find work: And Join "The ARC" Chat/Video Forum to Build the ARC!

Yours sincerely,

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., M.Th.S., D.Min.


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