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(click the pic!) You've likely read or heard on the news that the U.S. Department of Education (or "Indoctrination") might be shut down. Of course, the Executive branch can restructure but can't literally shut down a department that was set up by the Congress over 65 years ago, and since then the federal government has taken increasing control of the educational system.
I'm a pre-baby-boomer, born in 1943. and recall when I was in junior high school that our state's and other states' school systems were splitting at the seams because of all the "baby boom" children born after 1945 that were starting grade school. So the federal government "came to the rescue" and created the U.S. Department of Education, promising it would never interfere with the states setting up curriculum standards. The p.s. in our previous newsletter was "Why did the mouse get trapped? Because it thought the cheese was free." Now we know what has happened: gradually the DOE began placing conditions on the federal grants for education, demanding conformity to a secular, materialist worldview and excluding a traditional Christian, biblical worldview. The cheese wasn't free, after all.
A dear friend in Wisconsin passed into eternity last week from Alzheimer's. We first met when he and his wife were in college. He was quite brilliant: he went on to med school and became a physician. We watched his memorial service online, and after the burial the next day, I wrote to his wife, a public school teacher, the following:
A few days ago, this link came to my inbox: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2025/02/27/house-vote-tees-up-billions-in-cuts-to-medicaid-disability-services/31321/ - it echoes our culture's assumption that the government is the source of an unlimited supply of money: not a whisper about private charities. As recent political events show, however, the U.S. simply can't continue running up the deficit by issuing more "funny money." And western Europe is waking up to the fact that they must carry more of the defense burden, which means less can go to their generous social welfare systems.
When we were kids, churches and other charitable organizations carried the bulk of the load for caring for the disabled and elderly. But when the government started Medicare and Medicaid, religious non-profits simply couldn't compete with seemingly unlimited federal funds. In essence, the government was acting as a monopoly that drove charities out of business: they can't compete against "free money." Now, most formerly Christian-based hospitals are secularized and get most of their income from government-funded programs.
But it has turned out to be almost worthless "Monopoly money" that's hardly worth the paper it's printed on. A first-class stamp cost 2 cents when I was a kid, now it's 73 cents. Cheryl [my wife] used to cry if we spent over $10 a week on groceries when we were a just-married couple: now we rarely spend less than $100 a week on groceries. It's all because of deficit spending, a hidden tax that's caused by this inflation.
In our online "Daily Prayers" there's a frame at the bottom of the screen that shows James 1:27 and lots of cross-references. The verse number "27" is also a link: try it – it goes to "Living Faith That Works" to show how faith (our prayers) is and must be inextricably linked to good works. Faith without works is dead, so faith that doesn't produce good works is dead faith. My point is that it's high time for the church to take back its duty and calling to combine faith with works, prayer with agape-love for our neighbors. We can no longer look to the government to foot the bill.
Get the full article on our ARC-News blog.
A Personal Note: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY, especially to my wife Cheryl, who's recovering from spinal fusion surgery three months ago. She's still having pain, so she is now starting physical therapy twice a week at a nearby PT clinic recommended by another lady in our condo building who recently had the same surgery. Please keep on praying for Cheryl's full recovery!
We've been helping Vision Complex in Bunda, Tanzania to start constructing an ARC (Agape Restoration Community) there, but the project is now stalled for lack of enough funds. Please go to Vision Complex's ARC project and give what you can for this important project!
And check out Sup? Jesus is Coming to Dinner, a new book about the Gospel stories of Jesus having dinner with both "outsiders" – tax collectors, and "insiders" – Pharisees. He wants to "sup with us" (Rev. 3:20) – have dinner and talk with you too!
Here's our next free online course: (click →) Course 500, "Vocational Rehabilitation" - deadline to enroll: 13 Apr. 2025 (← click). So enroll today, before you forget!
SYNOPSIS: The abortion industry, through figures like Franz Theard, Ralph Bundy, Renee Bracey Sherman, and Dr. Daniel Grossman, is encouraging women to conceal abortion pill complications, advising them to lie to medical professionals and claim miscarriage instead. These individuals and groups, including ReproAction, are also suggesting that medical personnel (e.g., ER staff) falsify documents related to abortion pill complications. Live Action News reports that this practice, aimed at concealing the true risks of the abortion pill, undermines accurate data collection and potentially puts women's health at risk.
Dr. Daniel Grossman, a prominent abortion advocate, has been accused of advocating for the concealment of abortion pill complications. Research, like a study by Dr. James Studnicki and the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), demonstrates that concealing abortion pill complications leads to increased risk of hospitalization and complications for women. The article states that the abortion industry's actions are a cover-up to protect the industry and its practitioners, not the women utilizing abortion pills. The goal of the abortion industry is to normalize abortion pills as a safe procedure, while circumventing FDA safety protocols.
Pray for people to see through the lies and smokescreen that the pro-abortion "Ministry of Death" is pushing on the public, especially on women who are under stress due to an unplanned pregnancy.
SYNOPSIS: Metropolitan Borys Gudziak of Philadelphia emphasized the need for unity among the Ukrainian people and citizens of every nation to achieve a just peace, highlighting the current struggles and sacrifices faced by Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky, in a meeting with the U.S President, had a disagreement arising from differing perspectives on the war in Ukraine, particularly regarding facts about Russian aggression, causalities, and Ukrainian sentiment. Zelensky expressed confidence in the potential for a reconciliation with the President, emphasizing the strong ties between the United States and Ukraine.
The website includes several other news articles discussing various aspects of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, including international relations, religious perspectives, and meetings involving Ukrainian religious leaders and international figures. A range of voices, including religious leaders, are expressing support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and advocating for dialogue as a path toward peace. The site covers a variety of topics concerning the Ukrainian crisis, from political relations and statements by religious leaders to discussions about the impact of the war. The webpage also features news related to Ukrainian religious leaders in the United States and international meetings concerning the situation in Ukraine.
Intercede for a just peace in Ukraine, an end to the horrendous killing of soldiers and innocent civilians, and for the restoration of Ukrainian society and sovereignty.
SYNOPSIS: David Hume's book On Suicide of 200 years ago is a historical perspective on the value of human life. It formed a basis for modern societal attitudes, arguing that a disregard for individual worth fuels practices like euthanasia. The author critiques the normalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in the US, citing increasing acceptance and the erosion of guidelines, exemplified by a 2023 Washington state law. Also, West Virginia's constitutional amendment banning assisted suicide is highlighted as a positive step against the dangerous trend of ending life.
A significant portion of Americans support euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide, as demonstrated by a Gallup poll and the legalization in multiple states, including Maine and New Jersey, which are contemplating further liberalization. The author questions the morality of human-made laws that contradict natural law, suggesting a conflict between personal choice and the inherent value of human life, echoing discussions on abortion and contraception. The author emphasizes the potential for evil acts from free will and the importance of prioritizing good works. The author ultimately references the Catholic Church's teachings on the inherent dignity of the human person, highlighting the spiritual dimension of life.
Ask the Lord to open people's eyes to comprehend that euthanasia is not showing mercy, it is murdering the sick and suffering: instead, to use adequate pain medication to reduce the suffering.
SYNOPSIS: The Social Security Administration is planning significant workforce reductions, aiming to shrink its staff from 57,000 to 50,000 employees. This restructuring, part of a broader effort by the new Department of Government Efficiency, will impact regional offices, headquarters, and potentially the functions of various programs like the Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity. The SSA claims these cuts are necessary to prioritize customer service, streamline management, and reduce costs, , but advocates fear reduced services and longer wait times for millions of Americans, including over 11 million people with disabilities.
The SSA has also closed its Office of Transformation, reorganized the Office of Analytics, Review, and Oversight, and terminated research agreements, all in a broader attempt to "root out waste and abuse." Darcy Milburn, director of Social Security and healthcare policy at The Arc of the United States, expressed deep concern about the potential negative impact on millions with disabilities. The proposed cuts come at a time when the agency is already experiencing low staffing levels, one of the lowest levels in 50 years. Medicaid is also facing potential cuts in funding, further highlighting the challenges faced by people with disabilities in accessing necessary services.
Pray for the folks at Disability Scoop to realize that the government is running out of money, that it's time for churches and other charities to care for the people with disabilities.
SYNOPSIS: A study, funded in part by the NIA, found that "White Matter Hyperintensities" (WMH), bright spots on brain scans linked to small blood vessels, are associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study suggests that preventing the growth of WMH could potentially slow or prevent dementia. Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of multiple Alzheimer's studies focusing on genetic markers related to WMH, blood pressure, and stroke, finding an association between genetic measures for WMH and higher Alzheimer's risk.
While blood pressure and stroke were not directly linked to Alzheimer's risk in this particular study, previous research shows that blood pressure medications help reduce WMH levels, potentially offering a preventative strategy. The research involved data from 75,000 individuals with dementia, but no direct link was found between WMH and overall dementia risk. The study had limitations, including its focus on a predominantly European population, prompting recommendations for future research in more diverse populations. This research is related to Milestone 2.R of the NIA's initiative to treat and prevent Alzheimer's and related dementias.
Thank the Lord for the progress being made on understanding and managing the diseases that often accompany ageing.
SYNOPSIS: This article discusses the potential influx of disabled refugees to the U.S. in the event of a major European war, highlighting the increased proportion of disabled people among wartime refugees (from 6% to 10%). The U.S. is likely to be a primary destination for refugees, as highlighted by historical precedents like the 1949-1950 Ukrainian refugee acceptance. While the U.S. government is attempting to improve support for legal refugees, there are deficiencies in the current system for disabled refugees, particularly regarding financial assistance. This is addressed in existing articles like "Disabled People Need a Special Corridor to Immigrate to the United States."
State-level initiatives, like California's Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) and the New York's "ONA Ramirez June Initiative", provide crucial support for disabled non-citizens, demonstrating a potential model for improved federal policies. The author emphasizes the critical role of state-level support programs in assisting disabled refugees with integration, alongside personal support from friends, relatives, and family. Federal and state governments are urged to proactively enhance and expand support systems for disabled refugees to ensure their needs are met effectively in the face of potential future crises.
Pray for the thousands of disabled Ukrainian soldiers and civilians who will be coming to the U.S. to find help in recovering from their injuries and fitting into this new environment.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Perhaps you've read this before and are wondering, "Why am I seeing this again?" But millions of other Christians haven't seen it! So please use the "share" buttons above to share it with your social media friends. Thanks!!
I can’t do this all alone, I need your help! I may have a few thousand social media contacts, but together we have millions and millions of contacts! The main thing isn't about raising funds – the main thing is raising a crowd, getting the word out, sharing how to help "the poor, maimed, lame, and blind."
Let's say I could add one person per day to my contacts (which isn't easy for me to do): on day 10, I would have 10 new contacts; on day 20, I would have 20 new contacts; and on day 30, I would have 30 new contacts. That's not bad, but it's hardly getting anywhere. We need to find a better way: let's think about how a virus spreads --
If each day, I could add 1 new crowdfunder; and on day 2 and each day afterwards we each add 1 new crowdfunder, so on day 10 we would have 512 new crowdfunders, on day 20 we would have 524,288 new crowdfunders, and on day 30 we would have about 540,000,000 new crowdfunders. It's not easy-peasy and in the real world it doesn't go exactly like this, but that's basically how "going viral" or "exponential growth" works!
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Next, click on Here's How YOU Can Help and share that link on your social media and by email as well. Then follow the directions every day both on the "Here's How YOU Can Help" web page and on the above "Crowdfunding" web page to spread the word to your friends and contacts.
And don't forget to enroll in our free courses to see how YOU can do diakonia-ministry. And Join "The ARC" Chat/Video Forum to Build the ARC! Thanks in advance!
Yours sincerely,
"Dr. Bob"
Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., M.Th.S., D.Min.
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If just 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, supporting orphans, and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. ...thanks!
And please Share Our Vision with your family & friends!
Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...
Your fellow-servants,
Bob & Cheryl
p.s. Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel is being turned off.