To read and pray for one article each day, click HERE and add the link to your browser's Bookmarks. And please share this link with your friends!

Sun. – NEW STUDY: PEOPLE WHO UNDERGO TRANSGENDER SURGERY ARE 12 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT SUICIDE – Ask the Lord to stop this life-threatening trend that promotes sex-change surgery for adolescents and young adults.

Mon. – COMMERCIAL SURROGACY IS A HUMAN RIGHTS DISASTER – Pray against commercial surrogacy that exploits women’s poverty and commodifies babies.

Tue. – UKRAINIAN AND BRAZILIAN CLERGYMEN PRAYED FOR JUST PEACE IN UKRAINE – Thank the Lord that Christians around the world are praying for and working toward freedom in Ukraine.

Wed. – MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE USING ASSISTIVE COMMUNICATION APPS TO DO THEIR JOBS – Thank God for our political leaders and representatives adopting assistive devices in government.

Thu. – RUSSIAN MILITARY INTERROGATED NEARLY EVERY OCU PRIEST ON THE LEFT BANK OF THE KHERSON REGION – Intercede for the OCU clergy who have been interrogated and tortured by the Russian occupiers.

Fri. – ALZHEIMER'S UNSEEN: DISEASE PRESENT WITHOUT SYMPTOMS – Thank the Lord that some people are more resilient and show no symptoms even though they have Alzheimer's.

Sat. – THE TRUE CHRISTIAN FAITH: DE FIDE ORTHODOXA – Pray for people to grasp the importance of Christ's prayer for real unity, including doctrinal, among His followers.


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Help at Home

Help at homeA major goal of Agape Restoration Society is to help residents and others get needed assistance so they can live at home, either in our wheelchair-accessible Agape Restoration Communities or other housing. Our state, Pennsylvania, offers various social services for citizens age 60 and up, as shown in the photo. Then "Home Health Care" and "Meals on Wheels" can go a long way toward keeping you at home – that is, if your home is suitable for this when you need it to be. And if you live in AZ, CN, CO, IN, GA, MA, MO, NV, NY, OR, or PA, and you're on Medicaid, FreedomCare will allow you to choose who provides your care – even family members – and the caregiver gets paid instantly after their shift.

The basic problem, however, is that most people don't want to think about such things... until it's too late. Psychologists call this "the normalcy bias" – our brains work in terms of past experience, so we assume that everything will simply keep on going on "like normal" just as it has in the past. But when we stop and think about it (if we ever do take time to stop and think...), we realize deep-down that someday we're going to die, and more likely (70% probability!) first will come the slowing down, having a hard time climbing up or going down stairs, feeling exhausted after walking 50 or 100 feet, needing a walker or a wheelchair, etc. – the old heart, back, knees, etc. are getting tired and worn out. Are YOU going to be proactive and stop to think about it now, or will you wait until it's too late to choose which accessible housing is best for you? Then you'll have to depend on relatives – who are busy with their own lives – to take time out to do it for you.

What is an ARC – an Agape Restoration Community? Perhaps first of all we should say what an ARC is not: it is not a nursing home, a personal care home, or an assisted living center. Think of an ARC as a Christian community, an independent living facility where you have your own living unit, can move about, come and go as you please without the physical barriers of stairways, steps at porches or decks, or narrow hallways and doorways that hinder movement by people with mobility impairments. An ARC also provides common spaces for worship and other group activities so you're not cooped up at home alone.... [read more...]



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THE TRUE CHRISTIAN FAITH: DE FIDE ORTHODOXA has just released my latest book:
(click →)
The True Christian Faith: De Fide Orthodoxa - An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith.

This book by St. John of Damascus (676-749 A.D.) is a more readable modern English revision of de Fide Orthodoxa in Latin and translated into archaic "King James" English in 1898. Written by a man who worked under Arian Muslim rule in Damascus, this is the first systematic theology of Orthodox Christian doctrines. This saint lived at the time when the Church was still united, so he is considered a saint in both Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Catholicism, and is also commemorated by the Lutherans, Anglicans, and Episcopalians.

To celebrate, I've reduced the price of each of my books to 50% off through May 31! So The true Christian Faith, normally $9.99 for the Kindle e-book and $19.99 for the paperback, now are $4.99 and $9.99 respectively.

My book The Good News of Yeshua, the Messiah, normally $9.99 for the Kindle e-book and $19.99 for the paperback, now are $4.99 and $9.99 respectively. This is the four Gospels blended together into one continuous narrative, about half the length of all four Gospels separately. It is the companion to my earlier... A First-Century View of Yeshua, the Messiah, normally $5.99 for the Kindle e-book and $11.99 for the paperback, now are $2.99 and $5.99 respectively. This is my updated M.Th.S. thesis with an added appendix on my view of how to understand the inspiration of Scripture.

Then, if you purchase and like the book(s), it would be a great boost for my marketing if you would write a nice review on each book's Amazon pages to help spread the word. Thanks in advance!

You can also see all 3 of my books on my author's page:

Your (not-so-humble but trying to be) fellow servant,

Bob Hosken

Get this article also on our ARC-News blog at



A Personal Note: Thank the Lord that I'm recovering well from my heart ablation surgery two weeks ago: most days since then I've had normal heart rhythm, pulse, and blood pressure!



Who Are We?   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. The majority of the mob outvotes the prudence of the wise.



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