This is Mother’s Day – our best wishes to our mothers who gave of themselves to give us life and care for us!
Sun. – U.S. ABORTION LAWS ARE ‘FAR MORE PERMISSIVE’ THAN MOST OF THE WORLD: REPORT – Pray that our leaders will realize that killing babies decimates the future generation, so there won't be enough people to support the elderly and disabled.
Mon. – AMERICAN IVF CLINICS ARE HAPPILY OFFERING SEX SELECTION – Intercede for the unborn babies who will be killed so that the parents can try again for the "right" gender.
Tue. – OCCUPIED UKRAINE: PROTESTANT WOMAN ON TRIAL FOR MELITOPOL PRAYER MEETING – Pray for freedom of religious expression in occupied Ukraine and Russia.
Wed. – DATE FOR WHEN SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS WOULD BE CUT – Ask the Lord for people to understand that reducing the next generation results in limiting care for the elderly and disabled.
Thu. – EASTER GREETINGS BY THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE – Thank the Lord that Ukrainians were able to celebrate Pascha (Easter) as a free nation, in spite of the ongoing Russian invasion.
Fri. – HEAVENLY HOME AND THE WORDS WE USE TO DESCRIBE IT – Pray for people to understand that the words we use, especially with disabled people, can make home heavenly or hellish.
Sat. – RECOVERY IN EAST AFRICA – Intercede especially for Maureen, her daughter Kayla, and her Grandma, for Simon and his 50 AIDS orphans, as well as all affected by the flooding.
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I'd like to give you my e-book The Ministry Driven Church, but first let me tell you a little about myself: In 1957 when I was 14, I committed my life to serve Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. The next summer, over 65 years ago, while taking care of lawns at an apartment complex, the Lord gave me a vision: I saw a map of the Soviet Union in the sky and a voice said: "Remember this apartment complex plan - you'll build it when you're an old man." And I remember that there was something special about the stairs, but I didn't understand what it was. Now I'm over 80, so I guess I'm old enough to start this new project!
The next year, I preached my first sermon at an inner-city mission, then I led our high school debate team to the state championship, I was elected president of our high school's YFC (Youth for Christ) club, I won the city-wide Denver YFC "preacher boy" contest and led and won the Bible quiz team contest on St. Paul's letter to the Galatians (I memorized all six chapters so I knew the answers). I won second place in a national German language contest. I also memorized lots of Shakespeare – big chunks of MacBeth, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet – for English class.
Right after high school I went into the Army and learned Russian – we had to memorize 4-6 pages of conversational Russian every day. Realizing I was good at memorizing, I started memorizing Scripture: by now I've memorized the four Gospels, most of the New Testament, many selections from the Old Testament including the the whole Book of Psalms, rotating between four languages.
After active duty in the Army, I enrolled in university and studied more languages, history and political science of Central and Eastern Europe. In my first two semesters I took 41 credit hours and got a 4.0 GPA. By receiving 15 credit hours for my Russian training in the Army and by taking summer courses at the university, I had completed two years of coursework in one year. But then the next year, while serving as president of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter on campus, I became acquainted with a wonderful, amazing young lady who was the IVCF chapter secretary and as they say, "the rest is history!" I graduated in three years with a 3.4 GPA... [read more...]
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If 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, serving and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. thanks!
In our special issue last weekend, we sent photos of the flooding in East Africa. Our friend Simon in Tanzania, who has built "Vision Complex" – an orphanage/school center for 50 AIDS orphans, sent us this photo of their former main road to their orphanage/school.
It's now a pond for ducks and the only access is an even poorer road full of ruts. They lost their rice crop and the food for the orphans so we sent some money for maize to feed the orphans, but with the loss of their rice crop and seed, they lost $2,000 of income so they need $200 to buy new seed so they can re-plant. Our small non-profit, Agape Restoration Society Inc., has sent money for food, but we have limited income. Can you help us with this rice seed?
Please go to our giving page if you can help. The need is great, and we receive requests almost every day from others for assistance due to the flooding and for caring for AIDS orphans in East Africa. It's more than we can handle alone!
Another person in our 7 a.m. daily "Morning Prayers and Readings" is Maureen, who became an AIDS orphan in childhood: both of her parents died from AIDS. So her grandma, a widow herself, raised her. Maureen grew up, got married, had a baby girl, and then her grandma became disabled, so Maureen took her into their home. But her husband did not like this situation, so he abandoned the family.
This left Maureen to care for grandma and little Kayla, as well as running a stall in the market to support them. Then, after losing her one-room house in a slum 2 years ago and rebuilding, now she has lost her new house and stall in the slum market to the flood: see "KENYA FLOODS DEATH TOLL TOPS 200 AS CYCLONE APPROACHES" and KENYA FLOODS: NAIROBI HOMES DEMOLISHED AS CYCLONE HIDAYA APPROACHES."
They were able to sleep in her daughter's school for a few nights, but the schools have to reopen on Monday. So we helped her get some new blankets, plastic dishes and buckets, and rent for a one-room apartment. But now that she's lost her business too, she needs ongoing support for her family until she can get going again. Can you help Maureen, Kayla, and Grandma? Please go to our giving page if you can help.
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A Personal Note: Please forgive me for being a day late with this issue: I went to the emergency room last Tuesday and stayed in the hospital until Friday to have an ablation on my heart. Now I'm feeling normal, not dizzy or winded like the past several weeks: praise the Lord!
Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...
Your fellow-servants,
Bob & Cheryl
p.s. The answer to the ever-present "Why?" is the everlasting Who.
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