To read and pray for one article each day, click HERE and add the link to your browser's Bookmarks!

Sun. – Pray against ''science'' declaring the elderly and disabled as non-persons and having them euthanized.

Mon. – Thank the Lord that twins Dalton and Mary Elizabeth were born after being adopted in the embryo stage.

Tue. – Pray that the idea of slavery will be banished, no longer holding sway in many people's minds and hearts.

Wed. – Ask God to eliminate the notion that some countries or ethnicities are non-people and should be eliminated.

Thu. – Pray for an end to bias of healthcare workers against people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Fri. – Intercede for Ukrainians who are now being subjected to more demonic shelling, drone and missile attacks.

Sat. – Thank God for a new approach to treat traumatic brain injury using anti-inflamatories on macrophages.

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Boomer Lives Matter Do Boomer Lives Matter to you? These people are the most liable to die from COVID-19 and other maladies. Thank the Lord the pandemic is over! But now we all need to face and deal with a much more serious problem. One thing that's not fading away is many people's ambivalence toward the elderly, sick, and disabled. The 75,000,000 "Baby Boomers" born from 1946 to 1965 in the U.S. are aging, nearly half are disabled, and over 70% (that's 50 million!) will be disabled before they pass away.

Read more about the mistreatment and bias against the elderly, sick, and disabled, particularly focusing on Baby Boomers in the U.S. The author warns of a growing movement towards euthanasia, using the euphemistic redefinition of "palliative care" as a cover. The essay references various articles covering topics like assisted suicide, illegal euthanasia in hospice, and the redefinition of terms leading to euthanasia.

The author emphasizes the value of every human life and calls for readers to subscribe to stay informed and take action against what they perceive as a threat to the well-being of the elderly and disabled. [read more...]

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Here's our next free online course: (click →) Course 300 - A Biblical Theology of Ministry" - deadline to enroll: 7 Jan. 2024! (← click). So enroll today, before you forget!

If 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, serving and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. ...thanks in advance!


LiveAction News

adopted embryo twins (3 Jan.) Alabama couple, Mary Leah and Rodney Miller, share their successful embryo adoption journey after years of infertility. The couple welcomed twins, Dalton and Mary Elizabeth, in December 2022 through the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC). With a surplus of frozen human embryos from assisted reproductive technology, the NEDC facilitates adoptions, estimating one million such embryos in the U.S. alone.

Despite challenges, including a miscarriage, the Millers express gratitude for their two children and plan to use the remaining adopted embryos. Advocates for embryo adoption, they serve on the board of Carrywell, a non-profit offering financial support for this alternative reproductive option. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: Embryo "adoption" is a wonderful way to save the lives of already-conceived but unborn babies, not disposing of these embryos. It's a little different than traditional adoption and IVF: see LiveAction's article "Adoption, IVF, and surrogacy: What pro-lifers need to know."



slave-auction in Atlanta (14 Dec.) The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the world's oldest continuously published medical journal, acknowledges historical errors and plans to publish articles addressing injustice and bias that appeared in its pages. Notably, the NEJM confesses to casually accepting slavery and perpetuating race hierarchies.

The editorial recognizes the difficulty of confronting biases in oneself and pledges to learn from past mistakes to prevent new ones. The NEJM vows not to let injustice go uncontested, but the article questions the NEJM's potential future stance on controversial issues like abortion, euthanasia, and embryo research. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: The Pilgrims did away with slavery: my ancestor Edward Doty, a white slave, was set free and became a Pilgrim enroute to the New World on the Mayflower, which landed in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where slavery was officially abolished in 1783. But the NEJM was founded in 1812 in Massachusetts, showing that the idea of slavery still held sway in many people's minds and hearts.


Forum 18 News Service
Hebrews 13:3 – "Remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them..."

Aleksandr Rumak (4 Jan.) Olga Chemodanova, Head of Minsk City Executive Committee's Ideology Department, warned Orthodox clergy against violating state restrictions at a meeting, indicating potential imprisonment for those considered ideologically alien. She cited monitoring of over 500 religious communities in the past year, preventing the distribution of "extremist" literature, and objecting to prayers for Ukraine's victory.

Plenipotentiary for Religious and Ethnic Affairs, Aleksandr Rumak, reinforced the warning against politics in church and non-religious symbols. The warnings align with the recently adopted repressive Religion Law. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: Ìt appears that Belarus is following Russia's policy of clamping down on freedom of religious expression, even in the Orthodox Church. Several clergy and laypeople in Russia have been arrested and/or fined for expressing their faith-based views on Russia's war in Ukraine. Some non-Orthodox communities have even been banned.


Disability Scoop

patients with IDD face hurdles with doctors (15 Dec.) People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are dissatisfied with healthcare services, citing communication and time spent with providers as major concerns, according to a study by Rutgers University.

Examining data from over 22,000 adults, it revealed that those with cognitive disabilities reported less satisfaction overall and worse provider experiences. These issues can lead to negative outcomes. The study suggests incorporating disability competencies into medical education and implementing policies, such as enhanced reimbursement, to address these concerns. The researchers also recommended that individuals with cognitive disabilities take steps to prepare for healthcare interactions and request any necessary accommodations. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: People with IDD, especially children who haven't developed their speech ability to the level of adults, have a hard time telling health professionals what they need. Also, there seems to be a built-in bias against people with IDD that considers "special needs" people less worthy and less deserving of the same care given to "normal" people. We are all "special" in God's sight!


Religious Information Service of Ukraine

Russia shelling Ukrainian cities (2 Jan.) Representatives from various religious denominations, including Metropolitan Epifaniy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, have quoted John 8:44 – "You belong to your father, the devil" – condemning Russia's extensive shelling of Ukraine's major cities on January 1-2.

The attacks on Ukrainian cities prompted religious leaders to speak out against what they describe as acts of state terrorism and the destructive intentions of the Russian government. They expressed gratitude to Ukrainian defenders, especially anti-aircraft defense forces, and prayed for protection and a downfall of the Russian political and military system. The comments reflect the heightened tensions and concern for the safety of civilians in the region. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: While one can debate whether or not Russia was being threatened by Western powers, Russia's invasion of a sovereign country, genocide, raping, deportations, and mass destruction of Ukrainians is beyond debate. "Balance of power" and "fascism" notions are mere pipe dreams in the face of Russia's atrocities wreaked upon Ukraine.


Disabled World

(description of photo) (4 Jan.) Scientists have developed a promising treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) using a novel approach. Leveraging macrophages, white blood cells with inflammation-regulating capabilities, researchers attached anti-inflammatory molecule-containing "backpacks" to these cells. In a porcine model, the treatment reduced brain lesions by 56%, lowered inflammation, and minimized hemorrhaging after TBI.

The macrophages, when equipped with these backpacks, demonstrated the ability to modulate inflammation effectively. This innovative therapy offers hope for TBI patients, addressing a critical gap in treatment options beyond symptom management. Further studies will explore its impact on the blood-brain barrier's integrity and potential applications for other conditions. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: The article "They Reported Anne Heche Was 'Brain Dead' and Harvested Her Organs" by Terri Schiavo's brother documents several cases in which persons with TBI were declared "brain dead" but later recovered and are functioning. Physicians must allow suffficient time for the brain to heal itself before harvesting organs.



The Virtue of Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage:
Nurturing Relationships and Personal Growth
by Dr. "A.I." Aston Ishing, D.Div.


Why Wait? Sexual abstinence before marriage has been a virtue upheld by various cultures and religions throughout history. While societal norms and attitudes toward premarital sex have evolved over time, the idea of abstaining from sexual relations until marriage remains a moral and ethical imperative for many individuals. This essay explores the virtue of sexual abstinence before marriage, examining its roots in cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. Additionally, it delves into the potential benefits of abstaining from premarital sex, both on an individual level and within the context of committed relationships.

Cultural and Religious Perspectives
The virtue of sexual abstinence before marriage is deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions. Many societies, past and present, view sex as a sacred and intimate act reserved for the sanctity of marriage. In various religious teachings, premarital sex is often discouraged due to its potential to undermine the moral fabric of society and the sacred nature of the marital bond.

For instance, in Christianity, the Bible emphasizes the sacredness of marriage and the importance of sexual purity as a reflection of Christ’s sacred, covenant relationship with his Bride, the Church. The concept of waiting until marriage to engage in sexual relations is seen as a means of honoring the commitment and unity of the marital covenant. Similarly, other major world religions, such as Islam and Judaism, also advocate for the sanctity of marriage and discourage premarital sexual activity.

Get the full article on our ARC-News blog at, or download it from, and share it!



A Personal Note: The above article "The Virtue of Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage" was written mainly by the A.I. app ChatGPT with a little editing by yours truly. It is "AstonIshing" what these new A.I. tools can do! We should use them for building up the Kingdom of Heaven, not just leave them for the devil to use. But be careful: five or six times the A.I. used the words "choice" and "choose" (like "What flavor of ice cream do you choose: vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate?" – morally neutral terms – a pro-choice value system), so I changed them to "decision" and "decide" that imply good or bad, right or wrong decisions, Keep in mind that A.I. reflects the value system of the people who produced the information on which A.I. is trained.

Here's a completely A.I.-written children's story: "Freddie the Cat and Molly the Duck" that I asked "ANonyMouse" (ChatGPT) to write: it's totally unedited, exactly the text that appeared on my screen. At the end, you'll see the simple one-sentence prompt I fed to ChatGPT. Is there an implied value system in it?

One of the members of our "Morning Prayers and Readings" is Simon from Tanzania. He founded an orphanage and pre-primary/primary school for AIDS orphans in the town of Bunda, northwest Tanzania, and now has 50 students. Please take a good look at his brochure Vision-Complex-Kipeperushi.pdf: print it, share it, and consider sponsoring an orphan!



Who Are We?   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. The Church is not a welfare program, it's more like an NFL team – No Free Lunch.




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