To read and pray for one article each day, click HERE and add the link to your browser's Bookmarks!

Sun. – Pray that people will realize the need for Agape Restoration Communities for elderly and disabled people.

Mon. – Pray for the souls of Indi Gregory and of those doctors and judges who killed her by removing life support.

Tue. – Ask the Lord to turn back the tide toward assisted suicide of those with 'completed lives' in the Netherlands.

Wed. – Intercede for the Minsk, Belarus New Life Church's right to legally exist, even with its nonconformist beliefs.

Thu. – Thank the Lord for the Elevance Health program to increase education about IDD at U.S. medical schools.

Fri. – Praise God for Orthodox Church of Ukraine condemning use of force to convert people to their church.

Sat. – Thank God for new evidence that a positive attitude and feeling younger than calendar age extends one's lifespan.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Perhaps you've read this before and are wondering, "Why am I seeing this again?" But millions of other Christians haven't seen it! So please use the "share" buttons above to share it with your social media friends. Thanks!!


(click the pic) We set up Who are we? "Agape Restoration Society" in 1998 as a nonprofit to embody Christian love through practical actions like training for disability rehabilitation, providing medical aid, wheelchairs, and equipment, and constructing "Agape Restoration Communities" (ARCs). The founder received a vision in 1957 to build these communities, focusing on the significance of stairways. The organization encourages decisive action in creating a compassionate future home and offers free courses in diakonia-ministry.

Don't put off making a decision about your future home. You must make a decision – you cannot not-decide: "not to decide is to decide." You can choose to sit, looking out the window at those two above quotations until you fall asleep or fall over, or you can choose to do something about it. Don't wait for the "perfect situation" – it will never appear. Delaying a decision until you're almost dead is too late: you won't have the mental or physical strength to make the move. Click HERE to let us know your decision! [read more...]

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You and Your Church Are Invited to Study "On The Incarnation" Online!

 alt= Here's a screenshot of our course "On the Incarnation of the Word" for computer screens. Click the 3-bar menu button in the upper-left corner to ENROLL and watch the videos, or select any lesson. This course is based on the famous, world-changing essay of the same name by St. Athanasius of Alexandria in the early 4th century, defending the full deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And here's the On the Incarnation phone menusimplified menu for smartphones. Click on "ENROLL" there.

Our four-week online course consists of 8 lessons (2 lessons per week) and begins on Monday, November 27 for the Advent fast, and on Monday, April 8 for the Lenten fast. We'll meet online at 9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Mondays and Thursdays just in time to celebrate The Incarnation and Resurrection of the Word! The lessons will be recorded, so if you can't tune in at 9 a.m., you can watch them *anytime.*

Please go to to enroll in this free course, and learn how YOU can defend your faith in the Incarnation of the Word!

Also, go to to get a printed copy of this famous essay "On the Incarnation of the Word" as either a 92-page booklet in 5.5" x 8.5" format (23 sheets of letter-size paper) to print and read, or a 53-page PDF document (8.5" x 11" format = 27 sheets of paper) to print it or read "on the screen", or get it as a *free* e-book to read on your smartphone or computer!


If 5% of the people who see this would give $5 per month (just 17¢ per day!) – two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop – we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in spreading the word, serving and providing accessible housing for the disabled. My wife and I left our careers over 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now "semi-retired" – we've put on a new set of semi tires and keep on trucking! We live on our retirement income and volunteer our time: we receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society. Our websites and ministry are funded by us and just a few friends. ...thanks in advance!


LiveAction News

Indi Gregory (13 Nov.) Just two days after we reported in our last issue about her dilemma, Indi Gregory, a baby diagnosed with mitochondrial disease, was killed after a UK judge ordered the removal of life support against her parents' wishes. Nottingham University Hospital argued it would prevent prolonging her death, while her parents insisted she was disabled, not dying. Despite Italy granting her citizenship and a Vatican hospital offering care, Mr. Justice Robert Peel deemed it not beneficial, asserting it was in Indi's best interest to die. Her parents' appeal was denied, leading to the removal of life support and Indi's death on November 13. The case sparked debates about parental rights and end-of-life decisions. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: If they are allowed to pull the plug on disabled babies against next-of-kin's wishes, it will not be long before this happens with children, adults and elderly with disabilities.



completed lives (15 Nov.) In the Netherlands, a Kieskompas poll of nearly 200,000 people reveals that 80% believe they should have the right to assisted suicide when they feel they've completed their life. The D66 party is advocating for a bill allowing assisted suicide for those over 75, with only 10% opposing and 10% undecided. The proposed legislation includes a six-month process involving consultations with an "end-of-life counselor." Critics, such as bioethics writer Wesley J. Smith, raise concerns about weak safeguards, suggesting that the concept of "completed life" euthanasia may extend to the healthy elderly and potentially younger individuals. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: From a related BioEdge article: "Methods first developed by Nazi doctors and applied in the T4 euthanasia program of 1939-41, during which 70,000 institutionalised patients were killed by gas, were later applied to the extermination camps in Poland, where victims were murdered upon arrival in gas chambers disguised as showers." It's here now!


Forum 18 News Service
Hebrews 13:3 – "Remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them..."

Vyacheslav Goncharenko (14 Nov.) On October 17, the Minsk City Court ordered the liquidation of New Life Full Gospel Church, citing some of its online materials as "extremist." The church had been under state pressure for years, facing eviction in 2021 and the bulldozing of its building in June 2023.

The court decision is based on accusations of conducting activities beyond its statute and posting "extremist" content. The church has appealed to the Supreme Court, and no date has been set for the hearing. New Life continues its worship online and faces various threats, including an August 2021 tax demand, part of a wider crackdown on religious communities. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: This persecution of the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus has been going on for years now. Their building was condemned, the people evicted, then the building was demolished, and now the authorities are liquidating its legal existence because it doesn't conform to the state religion.


Disability Scoop

training medical students about IDD (6 Nov.) Health insurance company Elevance Health is investing $1.42 million to expand training on intellectual and developmental disabilities at medical schools. The funding aims to double the number of medical schools preparing future doctors to care for this population.

The initiative, National Inclusive Curriculum for Health Education Medical (NICHE Medical), led by the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, will receive the investment to develop and implement a curriculum on intellectual and developmental disabilities. Currently, NICHE Medical supports 20 medical schools, representing 10% of all programs in the U.S. The funding is expected to increase this number to 25%, encouraging broader adoption across medical schools. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: There aren't enough doctors trained in IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities), so this initiative is a great boost to help these children and adults reach their full potential in life, rather than being stuck in an institution or cooped up at home.


Religious Information Service of Ukraine

violence during church transfers (22 Nov.) Activists who wrote "10 Theses for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine" are urging church leaders to condemn the use of force amid accusations of misconduct and violence during the transfer of parishes from the Moscow-backed Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP) to the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU).

The appeal comes in response to an incident in Cherkasy, Ukraine, where OCU activists and Ukrainian servicemen forcefully vacated a monastery claimed by the UOC MP. The 10 Theses group emphasizes that while the UOC MP leadership bears responsibility for religious tension, the use of violence in church transfers is unacceptable, jeopardizing Christianity in Ukraine. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: Bribery, the threat or use of force, or false promises to induce someone to convert are all abhorrent for Christians. It only brings disgrace on the name of Christ and His Church. Pray for Russia and Moscow's church to get out of Ukraine.


American Psychological Association

feeling younger means less stress (May 2021) [Listen to this on YouTube or read the transcript.] Feeling younger may protect against the negative effects of stress on health, according to a study published by the American Psychological Association. Analyzing data from 5,039 participants aged 40 and older, researchers found that those who reported more stress experienced a steeper decline in functional health over three years, especially among older participants.

However, those who felt younger than their chronological age showed a weaker link between stress and functional health decline. The study suggests that interventions promoting positive views on aging and stress reduction could enhance health outcomes among older adults, emphasizing the potential benefits of feeling younger. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: If olderly people keep up their mood by feeling and acting younger than their calendar age, they'll likely live longer. Conversely, depression, feeling old and useless, or a critical spirit can bring about an early demise.



Are Christians Rabble-Rousers?



Christ's Rabble This photo is from the online Commonweal article "Christ's Rabble" subtitled "The First Christians Were Not Like Us" by Dr. David Bentley Hart, a renowned Orthodox theologian. This photo depicting plaster-of-Paris saintly-looking disciples (except the one with a black halo!) surrounding Jesus that introduced the article aptly illustrates Dr. Hart's disdain for an acculturated, saccharine-sweet version of Christianity.

In 2016, I was asked to write a short essay on this article for a seminary course on Christian Ethics that I was auditing. The assignment was simple: "Do you agree with Dr. Hart's conclusions? Why or why not?" My short answer is: "Yes and no." That's the easy part, now for the hard part. While working on a fresh translation of the New Testament, Dr. Hart began to consider what life was like for the early disciples. He writes, it "caused me to absorb certain conclusions about the world of the early church at a deeper level than I could have anticipated. Most of them I already knew, admittedly, if often as little more than shadows glimpsed through a veil of conventional theological habits of thought...."

As one who has spent many years as editor of a revision the Russian Synodal Bible, I can relate to Dr. Hart's pondering while working with the scriptural texts. Our "conventional theological habits of thought" frame our faith in logical constructs and cultural customs that have developed over the past 2,000 years. Dr. Hart questions the conventional meaning of the word Christian as "someone who is baptized or who adheres to a particular set of religious observances and beliefs," but this is far removed from what the New Testament describes as a Christian:

In the Book of Acts we read: "Therefore those who were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word" (Acts 8:4). This verse I adopted as a teenager for my life verse, and it has proved true – I have traveled the world preaching God's Word in four languages. A few chapters later the author Luke picks up the same thread of thought: "They therefore who were scattered abroad by the oppression that arose about Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except to Jews only. But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to the Greeks, preaching the Lord Jesus. The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord" (Acts 11:19-21).

The Good News of Jesus Christ was spread across the entire known world not by seminary-educated scholars, but by rude-and-crude former fishermen, publicans, rebels and ex-prostitutes who were "scattered abroad" – driven out of one town after another. The same has happened to me, by the way, being forced out of three different cities in Russia. But the key phrase comes a few verses later, when Barnabas brought Saul to Antioch: "It happened, that for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught many people. The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" (Acts 11:26). There the term "Christian" was invented (probably sometime later by Evodius, the second Bishop of Antioch). But the question is: What were they called before they were called Christians?

Get the full article on our ARC-News blog at and share it!



Who Are We?   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. Democracy can only survive until the people find their way to the public purse. – Plato
  Socialism can only survive until it finally runs out of other people's money. – M. Thatcher



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