Brief Overview

It is imperative that we Christians must now participate in society, or else it will go to the devil. When Christians neglect to exercise their civic responsibilities and their freedom of religious expression in the marketplace of ideas, but instead withdraw into a "holy huddle" with only like-minded people in their churches, we are ignoring God's commands to be "salt and light" in society and to "seek the welfare of the city" (polis in Greek, from which we get the word "politics"). If the political sphere is "crooked, dirty business," it's because we Christians have abdicated our social responsibilities.

The two main candidates for U.S. President in 2016 had the most unfavorable ratings in the history of the United States: both with very questionable moral and financial ethics, to say the least. Our political process has been corrupted by lobbyists and big-money backers of the two major parties, and once elected, politicians are virtually guaranteed lucrative lifetime in government or private life. We must limit politicians to 12-year terms and reduce the size of government.

Therefore I have decided to come out of the woodwork and take a stand for our society. I am a conservative, traditional pro-life Christian, and I advocate ending the welfare system and replacing it by true charity through churches, synagogues and other charitable organizations. This "Restore Our Broken Society" campaign is self-financed by my making social media posts and by YOU, my friends and contacts (over 30,000 at present), sharing my media posts and these web pages on my website with YOUR contacts, thus "GOING VIRAL!!"

In sharp contrast to many politicians, I am happily married to my wife of nearly 60 years, and I have always been faithful to her alone. I served in military intelligence with a Top Secret security clearance. In university I majored in Central and Eastern European Affairs, studying in depth Marxist theory and every Marxist revolution (see My Positions on "Critical Theory" and "Cultural Marxism"), so I know how "false flag," "united front" and "common front" undercover political operations work. As I was finishing my B.A. degree in three years, I passed the Foreign Service Officer written exam, which very few fourth-year university seniors pass who take it.

After military service and university, I served with an international underground team that smuggled millions of Bibles, New Testaments and other Christian literature behind the Iron Curtain and trained leading Christians in communist countries, including Cardinal Karol Woytila who became Pope John Paul II, and others who became government leaders after the takedown of the Iron Curtain. I am fluent in English, Russian, German, and Udmurt, I've studied six other languages, so I'm not likely to make the huge mistake of using ïåðåãðóçèòü ("overload") that causes a short-circuit, instead of ïåðåçàãðóçèòü ("reset") in negotiating with the Russians!

My wife and I have spent over 20 years living and working abroad as missionaries "on the field" including Canada, England, Austria, behind the Iron Curtain and in Russia during and after the collapse of the USSR. We have travelled in at least two dozen other countries. We then spent another 20 years at "home base" operating a small mission support agency while we also worked full-time in secular careers: my wife was an R.N. and a vocational rehabilitation counselor and I was a computer software consultant. We're now semi-retired, we've done volunteer work at an inner-city mission, and I run three websites with over 24,000 web-pages.

I've managed software projects ranging from about $100 million to $1 billion in annual cash flow. So we made enough money (well into the top 10%) to take our two children on a European tour, vacations all around the U.S., and send them to private colleges. Before age 50 I sold our custom-built passive solar home that I had designed and where we had lived for 15 years, bought an apartment building to rent out, and returned to full-time mission work in 1993, choosing a simple lifestyle of voluntary poverty, living on 1/10 of our previous income. During that time I earned Masters and Doctorate degrees in Ministry. Having lived in Russia for nearly 17 years at ground level, not on the diplomatic cocktail party circuit, I understand well the Russian mindset and know how to deal with those people: "Trust, but Verify."

My aim is to help Restore Our Broken Society – liberation from slavery... to dependency on government handouts, debt, food, drug, and sexual addiction. I am a strong proponent of equal rights for all U.S. citizens: Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans, as well as Euro-Americans: my ancestors and close relatives have led these causes - see About Me. My wife and I live on our Social Security income and small annuities, while we volunteer helping the inner-city poor in Pittsburgh set goals and find jobs. I strongly support the non-partisan, citizen-led Article 5 Term Limits (← sign the petition!) campaign for no more than 12 years for all members of the U.S. Congress; and no special health care system or retirement plans for Congress or any government workers, who should be our servants, not a privileged caste – our masters.

I'm not asking for your money, but I am requesting your help: Please send me your name and email address below if you would like to volunteer for this!

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