A Personal Note: Our friend Simon in Tanzania, who runs an orphanage/school,road to Vision Complex is finishing the road to their complex that was washed out due to the recent floods there: note the one man with a bucket of rocks on his head and another man pouring rocks onto the road. It's hard manual labor when they don't have modern road-building equipment! And here's a 9-second video of them manually preparing the roadbed: building-the-road.mp4.

kids with sickle cell anemiaSimon has about 50 AIDS orphans and kids with sickle cell anemia (very common in Africa). He has just sent us this message about the need of those kids with sickle cell anemia for medications: Vision-Complex-meds-for-kids.pdf. They urgently need $270 by June 25th, so if you can help with this, please go to our "Donate" page and designate it for "Vision Complex" - thanks in advance!

David W., a believer in Uganda who joins us in our "Morning Prayers" when he has a decent internet connection, asks for prayer because Uganda is suffering from a severe drought: there has been so little rain that they can't grow enough food – thus they also need food. Please pray for David, for food and rain in Uganda! If you would like to "Donate," designate your gift for Uganda, we'll send it on to him.

Viktor, a friend from our former church who's now in Ukraine and has specialized in de-mining the mines and other explosives from the war, estimates that it could take decades or even centuries to restore these formerly very productive fields of crops, now scarred and useless by the war. He informs us that as of last November, there were approximately 75,000 war amputees, so by now the number would likely be about 100,000. These men and other disabled people receive only a pittance from the government – not enough to live on. We are trying to promote the concept of building ARCs (Agape Restoration Communities) for them and their families: 12 living units and a community room/chapel, all wheelchair-accessible: Each ARC will be a 70 ft. x 80 ft. building plus gardens and parking. Please pray that this plan will be supported by individuals, churches, and the nations that are aiding Ukraine, and pray for peace – that faith will conquer fear, hope will conquer dispair, and love will conquer hate. You may "Donate," and designate your gift for "Ukraine." See also Viktor's article for our blog: You Will Know Them By Their Fruits.