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Dear friend,

As I write in every newsletter, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Perhaps you've read this before and are wondering, "Why am I seeing this again?"

With the advent of the internet about 30 years ago, the world began to change dramatically: instead of writing a letter on paper, putting it in an envelope, addressing it, licking it and affixing a stamp, then the recipient must wait a few days to a week or more before receiving it, now we can send an email with just a few clicks and the recipient gets it in a matter of seconds... for almost no cost!

Rather than sending a manuscript to a publisher, they lay out the cover and the pages, crank up the printing press, send you boxes of finished copies, and you sell them to retailers, or give them out one-by-one; instead you format your book in your word processor, transform it into printable book, have the book printed "on demand" one at a time and mailed, or make it into an e-book and send it electronically over the internet... for almost no cost!

Well, it does cost something to buy a computer, a printer, ink (expensive!), and pay for website hosting and email services. It costs real money for us to send out ARC-News, provide e-literature, print booklets, visit the sick and disabled, etc. – all for free.

By the time you get this Special Edition of ARC-News, you've probably received dozens and dozens of year-end appeals, so here goes: Don't just put this aside until you "Get Around To It"! Can you afford five bucks for two cups of coffee with your favorite friend at your favorite coffee shop once a month? Then you can afford to help sustain our ministry. For the first 7 people who respond to give $5 per month, I'm making a special offer: I will send you A Round Tuit refrigerator magnet! Then you can accomplish all those things you put off until you "get a round tuit"!

And for the next twenty folks who respond to give $5 per month, I'll send an autographed copy of my 160-page book The Ministry Driven Church – a real eye-opener about the central place of diakonia-ministry in the New Testament! So don't wait until they're all gone!

My wife and I left our careers 30 years ago to serve in Russia as missionaries: we're now semi-retired – we've put on a new set of semi tires and we keep on trucking! We receive no financial support from Agape Restoration Society, we volunteer our time – dozens of hours every week. Our websites and ministry are funded by just a few friends and myself. So if 5% of the people on our mailing list would give just $5 per month (that's just 17¢ per day!), we could cover our operating expenses and do much more in serving and providing accessible housing for the disabled. See below: ...thanks in advance!

So keep our websites free! Support Agape Restoration Society via PayPal: click the "DONATE" button.


And here's our next free online course:
(click →) .
(← click)
So enroll today, before you forget!

Your fellow-servant,

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., M.Th.S., D.Min.